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The Matrix trailer in HD for the first time


Here it is folks. For the first time since 1999 the original movie trailer for The Matrix in full high definition. Scanned by Wrench.

Trailer: TM & © 1999, Time Warner Inc.

Interesting note to fans, this trailer is Flat (1.85:1) whereas the film is Scope (2.35:1). More than likely there is a Scope version of this trailer as well. Eagle-eyed viewers will note this version has more picture top and bottom than is in the final movie, which means that the film was shot Flat and cropped rather than filmed in Scope. This is confirmed on IMDb which states the film was shot on Super 35. The Super 35 film frame is 1.33:1, similar to traditional Academy, and release formats are extracted from the full-frame picture.

This trailer is on the DVD, but it’s missing from the Bluray entirely, and to our knowledge has never been released in full digital HD. It is incredible to think as it’s one of the 90’s most iconic blockbusters. We hope you enjoy and are very pleased to bring this to you. As always, enjoy it full screen at 1080p if you’re able!

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